Strategic Planning

Federally Mandated, Locally Delivered Senior Services

The Older Americans Act of 1965 created the framework for providing programs and services specifically designed to help senior citizens remain as independent as possible. In doing so, the Act established a department at the State level (the Alabama Department of Senior Services), which contracts with local Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) to deliver and administer these programs and services. As one of those 13 local agencies, the United Way Area Agency on Aging (UWAAA) of Jefferson County has developed a comprehensive and coordinated system that provides a wide variety of resources, nutrition services and Senior Centers dedicated to meeting the unique needs of older people and those with disabilities.

Through ongoing research, surveys, public hearings and proactive innovation, UWAAA is constantly striving to improve its methods of engagement, support, programming, opportunities and quality of life for older residents, individuals with disabilities and caregivers throughout Jefferson County.

To view the agency’s four-year strategic plan, click here.