Legal Assistance
Alabama Legal Assistance Program
Safeguarding the Rights of SeniorsThe legal problems faced by low-income seniors can be more troublesome than those of any other segment of our population. Relatively minor issues can escalate over time because the elderly in poverty are less likely to seek the assistance of an attorney. This is often because they either don’t realize they actually have a legal problem or they simply don’t have the cash resources to pay for services.

The goal of the Alabama Legal Assistance Program, administered locally by the United Way Area Agency on Aging, is to improve the quality and quantity of legal assistance available to vulnerable older individuals, thereby protecting their autonomy, dignity and independence. The program assists seniors by helping them understand their rights; exercise choice; meet essential needs of income, shelter, healthcare and nutrition; and maintain their rights promised and protected by law.
How We Help
Free Legal Assistance for Seniors in a Variety of Matters and Civil Cases
The services of the Alabama Legal Assistance Program are available through UWAAA at no charge to persons age 60 and older. The process begins with your call to 1-800-AGE-LINE (1-800-243-5463). You’ll be connected to a legal services specialist who will work with you one-on-one to gather information about your specific issue and determine the appropriate next steps. The specialist will provide counseling, advice and representation in civil, non-fee-generating cases such as (but not limited to) those listed below.
- Access to public benefits such as SS/SSI/SSDI, Medicare, Medicare, veterans’ benefits and unemployment compensation
- Protections related to elder abuse, including fraud and financial exploitation
- Advance directives for financial affairs, medical and end-of-life decision-making, as well as simple wills and issues related to guardianship
- Access to housing options that allow seniors to remain independent in their homes
- Eviction or foreclosure issues that impede seniors’ ability to remain in their homes
- Access to healthcare and long-term care