Alabama Cares
Caring For the Caregivers
Your Partner in CareCaregivers play a vital role in helping seniors maintain their health and independence. Although caregiving is rewarding, its demands can have a negative effect on the health and well-being of the caregivers themselves – especially in terms of emotional impact. Caregivers of stroke survivors and individuals with dementia, for example, are at higher risk for depression and anxiety disorders. Alabama Cares, a program of the United Way Area Agency on Aging, is here to help caregivers with the issues that may arise from their unique responsibilities, demands and stress of caregiving.

How We Help

is available for caregivers and the public on resources and services within their communities.

Support groups
establish a mutual support system for caregivers where they discuss their experiences and concerns.

is available to family caregivers through short-term case management to help gain access to services and resources within their communities.

are available that offer temporary, substitute support to relieve family caregivers from their daily caregiving responsibilities. Due to limited funding, this service is prioritized based on those with the greatest burden and highest need of relief.

provides family caregivers with instruction to improve their knowledge and skills related to caregiving.

are available on a limited basis and intended to complement the services that family caregivers provide for their loved ones.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Primary family caregivers of frail, older adults age 60 or older.
- Older relative caregivers (not parents), including grandparents age 55 or older, caring for children ages 18 and younger with or without disabilities.
- Older relative caregivers and parents, including grandparents age 55 and older, caring for adults age 19 to 59 with disabilities.
A person’s income will not prevent them from receiving services. However, family caregivers with the greatest social and economic needs are considered when prioritizing appropriateness for direct services.
To qualify for Alabama Cares, an individual must be an unpaid primary caregiver for a frail adult age 60 or older, who needs help with at least three activities of daily living such as bathing, dressing, walking, toileting, taking medications, cooking and household chores. An individual may qualify as an unpaid primary family caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s disease or a dementia-related diagnosis, regardless of the care recipient’s age.
Priority is given to those caring for people with the greatest social and economic need, as well as to family caregivers providing care and support to persons with Alzheimer’s disease or other forms of dementia. There is no income limit, but voluntary contributions to help cover the cost of services are welcomed.
Alabama Cares also recognizes Older Relative Caregivers, age 55 and older, who are the primary caregivers of related children. A limited amount of funds is available for senior caregivers caring for a child/children age 18 or younger, as well as children of any age who have a mental or developmental disability that results in a functional limitation of three or more major life activities. In these cases, the caregiver must live with the child and have a legal relationship with the child. Learn more about the Older Relative Caregiver program here.
Yes, Alabama Cares offers two distinct support groups for caregivers as well as for older relatives (other than the parents) who serve as primary caregivers for children. The purpose is to openly and confidentially discuss any issues related to your responsibilities and get helpful feedback from others in similar situations, which may help you be more effective while maintaining a positive outlook. Learn more about these support groups by clicking here.