Nutrition Counseling

achieve personal health and nutrition goals

Healthier Diet = Healthier You

The United Way Area Agency on Aging’s Senior Nutrition program now offers FREE nutrition counseling with a registered dietitian nutritionist. The program aims to help seniors set and achieve personal health and nutrition goals. One-on-one sessions are available in person or by phone or video. If you are age 60+ and a resident of Jefferson County, all we need is your doctor’s approval!

photo of a person's hands holding a fork and knife and slicing a pork chop on a plate of vegetables

Nutritious Foods

Weight Loss & Weight Gain

Heart Health

Blood Pressure

Diabetes Management

Food Budgeting

Meet our Registered Dietitian

Robbie Lewis has served as the registered dietitian for the United Way Area Agency on Aging since 2019. Robbie has degrees in psychology and nutrition from the University of Montevallo. As a former nutrition consultant for St. Vincent’s Wellness Services, she gained extensive experience providing wellness education and health coaching to individuals throughout the Birmingham area.

She specializes in diabetes management, weight loss and promoting an overall healthy eating lifestyle. Robbie is committed to spreading the love of eating healthy and living a longer life.


If you currently attend a senior center, talk to your senior center manager to get the process started or call 1-800-AGE-LINE and ask for Nutrition Counseling.

It’s never too late to make your diet great!