Someone in Long-Term Care Wants to Be Your Pen Pal

Are you looking for a way to put a smile on the face of a person in long-term care?

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program of the United Way Area Agency on Aging (UWAAA) of Jefferson County offers a Pen Pal Program that pairs residents of long-term care facilities here in our community with a person who will write to them on a regular basis. There’s something so genuine and personal about a hand-written note. It not only makes recipients feel special, but provides a connection to someone outside of their day-to-day environment and lets them know someone is thinking of them.

At a time when long-term care residents are more isolated than ever — and possibly more anxious about their own well-being — it’s critical that they have a link to the outside world and are able to express themselves through constructive communication. To become a Volunteer Ombudsman with the UWAAA Pen Pal Program,  please click here. And learn more about how the Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program works to ensure residents’ rights and safety, and helps facilities improve their quality of care, by visiting our website.