You Can Help Sweeten the Holidays for a Senior in Long-Term Care

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program of United Way’s Area Agency on Aging (UWAAA) will once again be conducting its “Home Sweet Home for the Holidays” dessert drive for local seniors who will be spending Christmas at one of Jefferson County’s boarding homes.

Community members and organizations are asked to donate store-bought cookies, cakes and pies, which will be collected at United Way of Central Alabama’s office, sorted and then distributed to approximately 40 area facilities in the days leading up to Christmas.

“It’s our hope to make the holidays a little sweeter for the residents of these facilities, who are either unable to leave and be with family or simply have nowhere else to go for Christmas,” said Sheree Head, Ombudsman Program Coordinator at UWAAA. “This is the fourth year we’ve done this, and the residents appreciate it so much.”

Store-bought donations can be dropped off:

  • 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Monday, December 18th through Wednesday, December 20th
  • United Way of Central Alabama
  • 3600 8th Avenue South in Birmingham (Francis Spain Hodges Building)

Volunteers are also needed to sort items on Tuesday, December 19th and Wednesday, December 20th. Two shifts are available: 9.a.m to 12 noon and 12noon to 3 p.m. Registration is required by clicking here.

The Long-Term Care Ombudsman Program is dedicated to monitoring the quality of care provided at nursing homes, assisted living facilities and boarding homes in Jefferson County, as well as serving as a confidential advocate for the rights of facility residents and their families.