As a way of helping seniors avoid healthcare scams and financial exploitation, the United Way Area Agency on Aging (AAA) and its Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP) program will host their annual Fraud Summit in the spring.
This popular community education event is designed especially for seniors and their families, caregivers and professionals in fields related to aging. The event will feature a panel of speakers who are experts on a variety of topics, including:
- The many ways that unscruptulous individuals and criminals attempt to overcharge, or steal from, seniors.
- The warning signs of fraud and abuse.
- How to protect your personal information and avoid getting scammed.
- What to do if you are, or suspect that you may be, a victim.
Speakers from the FBI, the Alabama Securities Commission and the Better Business Bureau, to name a few, will be members of the panel and will also answer questions from the audience.
The Fraud Summit is free to attend and includes a complementary lunch.
Although still in the planning stage, the event will take place in mid-May. Time, date and location, along with details on free registration, will be available soon at Or call 1-800 AGE-LINE.
FYI, from providing hot meals at Senior Centers in Jefferson County to helping people maximize their Medicare benefits, AAA is a centralized source for information and services on a wide range of aging-related matters. We provide practical and innovative solutions to make life easier, improve health and extend people’s independence.
For example:
- 11,023 seniors and caregivers were assisted by AAA in 2022.
- 123,354 meals were served through AAA at area senior centers last year.
- 3,240 seniors received free, unbiased Medicare counseling in 2022.
- 20,378 hours of respite care were provided to family caregivers in 2022.
- 10,095 hours of in-home personal assistance were provided last year.
Learn more about AAA’s wide range of services for seniors and people with disabilities at or call 1-800-AGE-LINE.