Will You Share Your Thoughts on Staying Healthy and Active?


United Way’s Area Agency on Aging is dedicated to helping seniors and people with disabilities live healthier, more fulfilled and more well-informed lives. And you can help, too.

You may have strong feelings about both the importance of maintaining good health and how to do it. But many people have trouble dealing with the aging process. Your insights and approaches to remaining strong and active just might inspire them.

The National Center on Health, Physical Activity and Disability (NCHPAD) is seeking out seniors to write articles from their own perspectives on aging, activity and what it means — and takes — to be healthy. So here’s your chance.

Simply follow this link to the NCHPAD website page, where you’ll find step-by-step instructions on how to share your ideas. You can choose from several proposed topics or offer your own suggestions. You could make a real difference in someone else’s life…and it might even help you stay focused on all those things we each need to do in order to stay healthy, active and engaged in our communities.